Sunday, June 28, 2009

Settling In

Not so sure where we are headed, but we are finally settling in here in Memphis. We have rented a house. It is perfect for what we need at this moment-simple, unobtrusive, and somewhat secluded. We are working on selling the house in FL-a work in progress, possibly closing at the end of July.

We are constantly reminded of the positive aspects of moving back to Memphis. The support of friends and family are so important and I think that those of us who are so bent on being independent sometimes forget that relying on others is a gift. Those neighbors who let me use their phone because I was locked out of the house, the sweet childhood friends that offered to watch my child with 12 hours of notice b/c the baby sitter's daughter was sick, the sister in law who calls and makes me feel truly needed as a friend when she is going through a rough time.

These are all the reasons God called us back to this place. I am constantly amazed at the plans He has in store for us, but I gladly take them on!

May we all find the beauty and happiness hidden in every day and every moment, for it is there...waiting to be found.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Enough Moving Already!

We have officially landed in Memphis, but no where permanent yet. The move went pretty smoothly with great thanks to my in laws for their help. Miller has had a blast with her Pop and Nini. In the car on the 10 hour ride from Florida to Memphis, Miller looked at my mother in law and said, "Nan yooo my Nini!" to be interpreted as "Thank you my nini!" Pretty cool that she has adapted so well.

We are in the process of moving our things into a rental house in East Memphis. The original plan didn't quite work out due to the crime and safety factors to be considered here in Memphis. The utilities were turned on in the house today. We will probably be able to officially move in this weekend! Hope so-Brian and I are quite anxious to get settled. We are learning to be patient with God and His plans, though.

Brian has quickly fallen back into the steps of his familiar job. He enjoys being outside to work SOOOO very much. He is practically in hog heaven! I started my job in dialysis last week and think I am truly going to enjoy it. I forgot how much I enjoyed working with this population and the challenges the patients present.

Miller has started back to the in home daycare she was in before we left Memphis. She LOVES spending her day with Mrs. Amy, her daughter, Miller's cousin, and my best friend's daughter. Nice crew! All folks we are very close to. Miller has been awesome throughout this entire move. she is such a flexible kid and adjusts well to new situations. We are Blessed!!

Summer is upon us with many things to do now that we are back in the land of friends and family. We already have our first lake trip planned and are planning on hitting ItalianFest with the bro and sis in law Yates this weekend! Looking forward to lots of new memories, though the Florida ones won't be forgotten!

Here's to another new beginning!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2009

So, this Mother's Day, it is just me a my girl here in Florida. I received a beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips from Miller and her Daddy yesterday! And he really doesn't like to send flowers! Very special! Miller and I set up her Dora tent for her to play in today while I try to get some more packing done, This time next week, my little family will all be in one city again remembering how wonderful life can be when we are just together!

I am very much remembering my mother today as well. She was such a special lady. I realize, the older I get, that she was such an incredible woman. I feel like there was so much about her I didn't know. But, I'll tell you a few things that I do know. She had a beautiful smile. She could light up a room with that smile. She was very serious about a lot of things in life. She loved her children more than herself. She made a few bad choices in life, but regardless of regret, learned to move on. She was an inspiration to me, with strength that will be unsurpassed. She battled cancer with grace that we can all learn from. She loved the Lord and her faith was to be admired.

I like to think that I learned a lot from her while she was here. I pray that I picked up on some of those amazing qualities. I miss you, Mom! Today and every day. I pray that I can be half the woman and mother you were to me! Happy Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Okay, so my wonderfully talented friend Wesleyann took some amazing pictures of Miller for her "2 year" portraits. These pics are awesome! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends here in Florida. They will be very sadly missed. I'll post a few for you to see!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here's To The Beginning

So, I have always wanted to blog. The problem being finding the time in my busy schedule. In the midst of one of the busiest times of my life, I have decided to go for it. Better late than never right?

So, here we are in the middle of a major life transition right now. We are a family of nomads and are moving yet again. This time back to our hometown of Memphis. Very mixed feelings about this. VERY glad Brian has found a job, and one he does enjoy. Very glad to be back with family and friends. Hard, though, to leave a life that we were just building and we will miss the autonomy of living in a city where we have to start over as a family. We have made good friends here and were starting to plant some roots. God is good and he has some different plans for us!

Enough of my philosophy. Miller and I have been hanging out daily. She is definitely hitting the "2's". She is becoming more and more independent, but still having some trouble with expressing herself. So begins life with a little drama queen. she is very loving and quite kind. She says "pease" and "nan nyoo" when we ask her to use her manners. Pretty cool. Tonight in the bathtub, she was showing me the number 5 and the letter Y. Her mind is a sponge.

I should probably be packing. I may have more later, but here's to the beginning! Cheers!!!