Not so sure where we are headed, but we are finally settling in here in Memphis. We have rented a house. It is perfect for what we need at this moment-simple, unobtrusive, and somewhat secluded. We are working on selling the house in FL-a work in progress, possibly closing at the end of July.
We are constantly reminded of the positive aspects of moving back to Memphis. The support of friends and family are so important and I think that those of us who are so bent on being independent sometimes forget that relying on others is a gift. Those neighbors who let me use their phone because I was locked out of the house, the sweet childhood friends that offered to watch my child with 12 hours of notice b/c the baby sitter's daughter was sick, the sister in law who calls and makes me feel truly needed as a friend when she is going through a rough time.
These are all the reasons God called us back to this place. I am constantly amazed at the plans He has in store for us, but I gladly take them on!
May we all find the beauty and happiness hidden in every day and every moment, for it is there...waiting to be found.